
2019 Contingency Planning Microgrants

The ZAHP Fusion Center is pleased to announce the third year of its microgrant program! This year we are offering up to fifteen $1,000 microgrants to the exotic animal industry to increase preparedness and response activities across the sector.

To apply, complete the application questionnaire, including a short description of how you will use the award to better prepare for or respond to an incident and how your facility plans to measure the results of your project. You will also be asked to explain how you will match the $1000.00 amount through expenses, training costs, staff time, travel, equipment expenses, etc. In order to be eligible, applicants must be located in the United States, a tribe, or territory. Applicants should clearly identify their needs, justify the budget, and explain how the results of their project will be measured. We are seeking requests that build and document real‐world partnerships (such as meeting with local emergency management personnel,developing mutual aid agreements for sharing response equipment, or including other facilities in the region in planning efforts) or allow for purchase or partial purchase of equipment or materials to increase safety for employees, volunteers, and visitors.

Applications must be submitted to no later than May 1, 2019 and applicants will be notified on whether or not they were selected to receive a microgrant by June 1, 2019.

Please reach out to the ZAHP Fusion Center’s Coordinator, Ashley Zielinski with any questions or concerns.