
2021 ZAHP Capacity Building Grant Opportunity

Since 2017, the Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership (ZAHP) has been able to provide a total of 43 small grants funded by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) as a way to help enhance preparedness and response activities in the exotic animal industry (EAI).

We are excited to announce this year’s grant program, which will provide opportunities for initiatives with a broader impact and scope by offering grants of up to $15,000 to exotic animal facilities and collaborating organizations seeking support for projects that would build capacity for response and/or recovery for the EAI.

Applicants are encouraged to think outside of the box. Sample projects for this opportunity may include, but are not limited to:

  • A training or workshop to increase capacity for response at the regional or national level.
  • Purchase of equipment for response or recovery that would be used by or for multiple facilities.
  • A meeting or workshop that would enhance preparedness at a specific facility or at multiple facilities within a limited geographic area.
  • Supplies, equipment, and/or training needed to improve safety or preparedness at a specific facility.
  • Professional safety/preparedness assessment of a facility.

Limit one application per organization.  Applicants must be eligible to receive federal funds.  Past applicants and recipients of ZAHP grants are welcome to apply.  The grant application packet, which contains all necessary application materials, specific grant details, and additional information, has been attached to this post. Please review the information in this packet carefully and thoroughly.

Applications are due no later than 11:59 PM Pacific Time on June 21, 2021.  Completed applications, as well as any questions, should be sent via email to Incomplete applications or applications received after the deadline will not be eligible for consideration.

Please Note: This program is offered via a cooperative agreement with United States Department of Agriculture, and USDA staff will participate in the review process. As such, please be aware that applications may be subject to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

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