
Building Resilience in Animals Webinar Recording

This webinar was originally presented on August 13th 2024

This session will provide an overview of how zoo and aquarium professionals can help the animals in their care develop healthy coping skills and become better prepared for stressful events. Participants will learn about the processes of building resilience in animals, including risk assessments and training strategies, and be given examples of how this important work can result in better welfare outcomes during planned and unplanned events. Presentations are followed by a Q & A, where additional panelists will join speakers in providing examples and insights, and a representative from USDA Animal Care will be present to define how building resilience in animals relates to AWA regulations.  


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Disclaimer: This webinar is advisory in nature, informational in content, and intended to assist facilities in providing a safe and healthful environment. Considerations therein do not replace or override any applicable federal, state, or local laws, regulations or ordinances. Content may not address all of the safety and husbandry concerns for a specific facility. It is the responsibility of each facility, through the application of technical judgment and experience, to determine the appropriate procedures for that facility. Views expressed in this webinar are solely those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians or any other entity.