
COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Tool for Captive Wildlife Facilities

The COVID-19 Infection Prevention and Control Assessment Tool for Captive Wildlife Facilities: Zoos, Sanctuaries, Aquaria, and Wild Animal Rehabilitation Centers was developed by the One Health Federal Interagency COVID-19 Coordination Group (OH-FICC) Wildlife and Zoos Subgroup in collaboration with the Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership.

This checklist provides a guide for baseline biosecurity measures and controls that should be in place to prevent transmission of SARS-CoV-2 between animals housed in captive wildlife facilities and people (including employees such as caretakers, maintenance staff, and other employees, volunteers, and the public) who may have direct or indirect contact with animals or their environment.

This assessment tool is meant to be used by the administrator(s) in charge of infection prevention and control at the facility, occupational health, respiratory protection, human resources, veterinary staff, or facilities and maintenance. It is not meant to be an exhaustive list of considerations for preventing SARS-CoV-2 transmission, but a quick check of the minimum components of a biosecurity plan to ensure a baseline level of protection is in place. A layered approach using multiple strategies, including social distancing, personal protective equipment, hand hygiene, vaccination, and other items described in this list is recommended to reduce the spread of disease between people (whether working or visiting) and animals housed at these facilities.

You can view and download the tool below.

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