Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) Preparedness and Response Exercise
This tabletop exercise was developed to assess preparedness for Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) in a zoological facility. The scenario begins with the FMD outbreak already underway and confirmed cases in the facility petting zoo, allowing players to consider necessary actions during an active outbreak.
Exercise materials are provided below and may be used by facilities to test and evaluate plans.
The objectives of this exercise are to help participants:
- Understand the Federal, State, Local, and Zoological stakeholders involved in a response to Foot and Mouth Disease
- Understand the management of communication and coordination that would occur during an FMD outbreak
- Display basic knowledge of organized outbreak response to an infectious disease
- Explore options for vaccination of high-value zoological species
- Situation Manual
- Controller/Evaluator Handbook
- Protection Operational Coordination Exercise Evaluation Guide
- Response Operational Coordination Exercise Evaluation Guide
- Recovery Planning Exercise Evaluation Guide