Record-breaking heat waves continue across much of the US, with temperatures predicted to reach 10 – 30 degrees above average. The resources below include helpful information on how to protect humans and animals during extreme heat.
- Heat-Related Illnesses and First Aid – shows signs and symptoms of various heat related illnesses and basic first aid principles for heat-related illness.
- OSHA NIOSH Heat Safety Tool – this app shows the real-time heat index and risk level for your location, recommended precautions for the current risk level, plus signs, symptoms, and first aid for heat related illnesses. Available for iOS and Android.
- OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Resources – information for employers and workers, with tools and resources including printable fact sheets and infographics in English and Spanish.
- Extreme Heat Resources – tips to help prepare for and stay safe during extreme heat.
- NWS HeatRisk – an experimental color-numeric index designed to provide a proactive risk assessment of heat-related impacts within a 24-hour timeframe. This resource was recently expanded across the contiguous states.
- NWS Partners and Users Heat Webinar – provides an overview of NWS products that can be used to stay aware of dangerous heat. Slides are also available here.
- Caring for Animals During Extreme Heat – Agriculture Victoria resource providing information on managing animals during extreme heat.
- Extension Disaster Education Network (EDEN) Extreme Heat Resources – includes resources for managing various agricultural species during extreme heat.