Original Announcement from the AZA Animal Population Management Committee (APMC):
“In September 2020 the Animal Population Management Committee (APMC) was asked to develop a resource to aid institutions during a crisis with a specific emphasis on needing to move animals as a result of the crisis. A working group of committee members from both zoos and aquariums as well as AZA staff developed the attached resource document, Zoo and Aquarium Animal Management During a Crisis over the last 6 months. The document includes federal and state resources, sample multi-institutional agreements, useful links and will point people in the right direction of others who may be able to help. The document is attached and will be posted to the ZAHP and COVID Resource Center https://zahp.org/; www.aza.org/covid-19-resources as well as the Accreditation Resource Center https://www.aza.org/sample-documents-and-policies-required-for-accreditation.
As with any other document concerning emergencies, the best time to review it is when you are planning for an emergency, not during one. Stay tuned for an article in the April Connect discussing this new resource. The APMC hopes you will find it valuable for your institutions.”
Download The Full Document