This webinar was recorded on August 13th, 2020
As the COVD-19 pandemic continues, many questions remain unanswered about this emerging disease. This webinar with subject matter experts from across the exotic animal industry provides an overview of what we currently know about this emerging disease, what we still don’t know, and the impact on zoological facilities.
Speakers will be going over disease pathology, species susceptibility, testing recommendations, the importance of One Health, and more!
Click here to view a recording of this session!
Slides, resources, and references from this session or organized by presentation below:
Karen Terio, DVM, PhD, DACVP Chief, Zoological Pathology Program – University of Illinois Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory” ]
COVID-19 Species Susceptibility Paige Brock, DVM, DACZM, Chair, Animal Health & Welfare Committee – American Association of Zoo Veterinarians” ] References: *Note This article is available pre-print and has not been peer reviewed at the time of this posting. Such articles should not be regarded as conclusive, guide clinical practice/health-related behavior, or be reported in news media as established information. One Health Opportunities for the Zoo community During COVID and in a Post-Pandemic World Sharon Deem, DVM, Ph.D, Dipl ACZM, Director – Saint Louis Zoo Institute for Conservation Medicine” ] Resources: CDC COVID-19 One Health Working Group: Zoo and Wildlife Subgroup Jeanie Lin, DVM, MPH, MLA, VMO and Acting Director, Emergency Programs and Occupational Safety and Health, USDA Animal Care” ] Visit, and subscribe to the OH Newsletter with a request to Contact for Zoonoses and One Health Updates Resources: