
ZAHP COVID-19 Impact Analysis Facility Survey

Speech bubbles of various colors hover over three peoples' heads.

The Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership (ZAHP) is conducting a survey to collect more comprehensive data on the myriad of issues individual zoos, aquariums, and other managed wildlife facilities have experienced over the first year of response to COVID-19. This is part of larger analysis of the impact COVID-19 has had on the Exotic Animal Industry (EAI) as a whole; as such, we are looking for responses from facilities of all sizes and affiliations in order to better describe the range of effects the pandemic and response measures have had on the industry.

Aggregate results from this survey will be used to quantify the impact seen on the industry one year into the declaration of a pandemic and implementation of control strategies in the United States, and aid in planning for additional long-term impacts that may lie on the horizon. The final impact analysis and any additional work products from this effort will be made available to respondents once completed.

Please note: Individual responses to this survey will be kept confidential and all data will be de-identified in the final work product for this effort.  Responding facilities will have the option to not include their names.


To avoid duplicate responses, we are working with Advisory Council members and other partners to distribute this survey directly to primary contacts for facilities.

If your facility is interested in participating but has not received this information, please email our Program Assistant, Haley Randall, at [email protected] to request access.