
ZAHP Launches New e-Learning Platform

The Zoo and Aquariums All-Hazard Partnership (ZAHP) is excited to announce the launch of its brand-new e-Learning Platform! 

This platform was developed through a partnership with the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy and is available to professionals working in zoological facilities, such as zoos, aquariums, or wildlife sanctuaries free of charge.

The ZAHP learning platform is housed on CollaborNation, and will maintain a variety of e-learning courses developed by ZAHP and its collaborators on topics such as emergency preparedness, animal health, and contingency planning. Three custom courses, developed in partnership with Animal Search & Rescue (ASAR) Training & Response, are now available and open to participants:

  • Introduction to Technical Rescue for Exotic Applications: This awareness-level course introduces how practiced technical rescue skills can be used at exotic animal facilities for sling lifts and recovery support. 
  • Exotic Animal Strike Team (EAST): Introduction to Field Disaster Response: This course introduces how Animal Search and Rescue (ASAR) teams work in a disaster response and the role of exotic animal specialists in the field in these events.
  • Fitting in With Emergency Management: This course explores how exotic animal facilities that have no pre-existing disaster plan(s) can kick-start their preparedness planning efforts. Starting with disaster planning basics, the course works up to facilities that have plans and would like to explore ways to network with Emergency Management partners at a variety of levels. Featured guest Eric Thompson with ASAR Training and Response provides a whole-community planning exercise along with facility workshops to help individuals from a variety of backgrounds work within existing emergency management structures.

In addition to custom offerings from ZAHP, registrants will also gain access to a selection of free course offerings from San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance and other CollaborNation partners on a variety of topics including animal care, safety, and compliance. 

Register for ZAHP’s e-learning platform here now!

Registration for the platform is free and currently open to professionals working in zoos, aquariums, or other managed wildlife facilities only. 

Please contact Haley Randall at [email protected] with any questions or concerns.

Disclaimer: This platform and published courses are retained by the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy, and ZAHP has no jurisdiction or control over courses created by the San Diego Zoo Wildlife Alliance Academy or other external organizations.