Since it began in 2014, the ZAHP Fusion Center has worked to bridge the gap between the managed wildlife community and the emergency management sector by disseminating information on various hazards, developing industry specific resources and trainings, coordinating regional meetings, and cultivating relationships with relevant government, private sector, and NGO groups. As we look towards planning our 6th year, we want to hear from you on what has been helpful so far and how we can better meet the needs of this community moving forward.
If you are planning on attending AZA Midyear, please consider joining us for a preliminary Town Hall meeting on Monday April 15th from 2:00 – 5:30 pm to learn about ZAHP’s current initiatives and participate in discussions to help guide future efforts.
Please feel free to share this announcement with friends and colleagues that may be interested. All are welcome and no prior knowledge of ZAHP or emergency planning is necessary to participate. Every aspect of your operation can be impacted by disasters and every perspective is valuable as we work to identify unmet needs and determine what resources and activities would be of greatest benefit to this community.
Preliminary feedback from this session will be used to inform a Virtual Town Hall, to be scheduled later this year. In the meantime, please contact us if you have any thoughts or suggestions for how we can best gather feedback from the community.