
The Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership (ZAHP) is a collaborative effort that leverages the expertise of the exotic animal industry (EAI) and the emergency management sector to provide resources for enhancing preparedness for and resiliency to all hazards that may impact facilities caring for exotic animals and wildlife.

Preparedness is a crucial part of animal health, husbandry, welfare, and conservation. The valuable work of zoos, aquariums, and other managed wildlife facilities is predicated on the safety and security of the people and animals in their care.  This program aims to help all facilities protect their personnel, animals, assets, and the future viability of that work.

ZAHP supports the entire EAI by providing reliable information, education, and outreach opportunities to address the unique needs and challenges of this community, as well as recognizing its capabilities and subject matter expertise. While not a “boots-on-the ground” response organization, ZAHP is committed to building capacity for response and recovery within the EAI by working to strengthen coordination and communication with the larger response community, and supporting response partners during major events.

Funding support for this program is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture as a cooperative agreement with the American Association of Zoo Veterinarians (AAZV).


To advance preparedness for and resiliency to all hazards for zoos, aquariums, and other managed wildlife facilities.


The Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership seeks to serve as a hub for preparedness resources and activities for the exotic animal industry, building a culture of preparedness and providing a platform for experts from all aspects of the industry to effectively collaborate on issues of shared concern.

What is the Exotic Animal Industry?

The “Exotic Animal Industry” refers to any facility whose mission or business model is focused on the exotic animals in their care.  This includes zoos, aquariums, sanctuaries, aviaries, game ranches, wildlife centers, and more.

We use the term “industry” to allow us to better advocate for the whole community when working with authorities in preparation for, during, and following a response.