all hazards planning
What is your all hazards contingency plan?
This series of training modules is intended for any facility wanting to better understand the planning process. Participants will be introduced to best practices for planning including how to identify and assess risks to their facility, identify needs and limitations to responding safely and effectively, and write a contingency plan.
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Disease risks
Are you prepared for foreign animal diseases?
Secure Zoo Strategy (SZS) is guidance to help facilities develop business continuity plans to protect staff, animals and business models in the event of high consequence disease outbreak, and mitigate the effects should a disease occur. As a member of the Exotic Animal Industry (EAI), there is no “one plan fits all facilities” due to the diversity..
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Identify new and evolving risks to the managed wildlife community

Connect zoos, aquariums, and the managed wildlife community with local, state, federal, and non-governmental emergency response partners

Assist facilities in preparing for disease outbreaks as well as man-made and natural disasters

Share considerations for hazard preparedness, response, and recovery
Support for ZAHP is provided by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA)
“In a zoo setting, you can’t take someone off the street and
say, ‘Go get the 500-pound lion.’ It just doesn’t work that way.”
Terry Lincoln
Director, Dakota Zoo
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