Avian Influenza Zoo Preparedness Exercise

Avian Influenza Zoo Preparedness Exercise

This exercise is designed to evaluate institutional capacity to respond to an outbreak of avian influenza within a zoological facility.

Participants may use their exercise feedback commentary and resource links within the exercise to create an After Action Report and Improvement Plan Specific to their facility.

Players will participate in the following modules:

  • Response to AI in the Region
  • Response to AI in Free-Living Birds Near Your Facility
  • Response to AI Within Your Collection and Personnel
  • The Recovery Process

Each module begins with an update that summarizes key events occurring within that time period. After the updates, participants will be asked a series of multiple choice and open ended response questions about the protocols detailed in their facility avian influenza response plan. IF your facility has not developed a response plan as of yet, we encourage you to work through the exercise and respond according to your current facility protocols. Documentation of these responses can then be used to form the foundation of a new outbreak response protocol.

Click here to participate!