
Southwest Quadrant Virtual Preparedness Town Hall

Register here!

In order to promote greater collaboration and communication for preparedness and response within the exotic animal industry, the Zoo and Aquarium All Hazards Partnership (ZAHP) has set up a series of  Virtual Preparedness Town Halls focusing on different geographical quadrants across the United States: Southeast, Southwest, Northeast, and Northwest. The design is being used as a way to manage the overall volume of each event and allow participants to make better connections with those in their geographic area.

These events are an opportunity for representatives from zoos, aquariums, managed wildlife facilities, and the emergency management sector to engage with one another, discuss key concerns and planning efforts, and answer questions regarding preparedness and response.

More specific details on this event are forthcoming. Please check back for more information.

Please register to attend the Southwest Quadrant Virtual Town Hall at the link above. We encourage you to include questions or topics for the break-outs and Q&A in your registration. Breakout groups may be organized by state or topic depending on overall participation and topics of interest submitted.